We are a team of young and passionate professionals and we created Averey Secretarial Ltd following the recognition of the need for such a company in the Cyprus market. While working in highly respected firms and offices, holding high managerial positions, we were constantly asked by friends and acquaintances, how a smaller company should proceed with its legal obligations towards the government, and how a small-medium sized company would eliminate the risk of being exposed to lawsuits and fines due to their non-compliance with the local legislations and regulations. In addition to that, it came to our attention that small size businesses cannot afford the engagement of a third party to receive such services, as we are aware that the market prices are extremely high and are only affordable to large companies.

Given those facts we present to you Averey Secretarial Ltd. A one-stop for all the needs of your Company when it comes to a Corporate Secretarial Advisory. We will be your right hand when it comes to dealing with legislations and regulations, document productions, maintaining corporate records, submissions of forms, and production of internal policies in line with many other services.  

Averey Secretarial Ltd is new, is fresh, is different – but has experience more than 20 years in the market. 


Company Maintenance and Supervision

- Maintenance of director, share and UBO registers

- Information about upcoming changes in relevant local legislations and their timelines

- Reminders of the various statutory compliance deadlines

- Scheduling of Annual and Extraordinary General Meetings of the Company, producing agendas for such meetings, taking minutes, etc 

- Submission of HE 32

- Assistance with appropriate company file upkeep according to the relevant legislations

- Reminder and assistance for UBO submission to registrar 

- Preparation and supervision of the submission of all appropriate forms in a timely manner

- Change of Auditors, lawyers and any other third parties to the Company 

- General supervision of the company with regards to the upkeep of the local legislations and regulations

Document Production

- Resolutions

- Agreements

- Letters

- Production of internal policies and standard operating procedures 

- Assistance with Share sale and purchase 

- Transfer of shares and new issuance of shares

- Providing Assistance in writing Business Continuity Solutions and Plans (carries additional costs from our third parties) 

Support with Governmental Institutions and Government Portals

- Contact with Tax/VAT Authorities 

- Department of Land and Registry

- Registrar of Companies

- Social Insurance

- Submission of IR 4



Debt Collection

- Collection of unpaid invoices and other debts to your company

Other Services

- Supervision of accounting and Audit of the company

- Assistance with interviews of new and current personnel 

- Assistance with Acquisitions

- Courier Services via our third party  

- Advisory and assistance of selection of third parties to your company such as Accountants, Lawyers, Auditors, Personnel Recruiters, IT Specialists, as well as many others 

Our team

Being conceptualists and ideators, we always thrive to provide the best service at affordable rates. Our main target is to be a valid contributor to the success of your company. We envision to set a stepping stone for the companies that will follow us and to create an era when even the smallest companies will have access to high grade services and be able to function as correctly as those of the larger scale. Averey Secretarial Ltd is the solution!

Drop us a line

[email protected]

We love receiving emails

+357 22 848 363

But even more we love receiving calls

Our address:
12  Kasou Street, Block THETA, 10th Floor,1086 Agioi Omologites, Nicosia, Cyprus

GPS: N35.158434°, E33.356000°